How Can I Help?

There are a number of ways that you can get involved with FLIP (Family Love and Involvement Program) to help fulfill our mission. With donations from our local partners, FLIP has provided scholarships to 7 deserving students through the Mildred Whitmire and Frank Smith, Sr. Scholarship Fund. In addition, we have provided coats, shoes, food and book bags to local families. THANK YOU in advance for your contributions.
• FINANCIAL PARTNERSHIP: Make a financial donation.

• RESOURCE PARTNERSHIP: Provide educational materials, supplies, technology equipment, and African/Black artifacts

• PERSONAL PARTNERSHIP: Volunteer your time to engage students and parents of your knowledge of Black history.


Donate Supplies

Help us with much-needed supplies.


Your time is worth more than you think.

How will my donation be used?


Will purchase snacks for participants


Will fund field trips for participants and our monthly Family Involvement Night


Will fund much-needed computers and computer equipment


Will be used for training our instructors and volunteers.


Will be used to fund our annual FLIP Scholarship program